Monthly Archives: May 2014

Time Portal Construction at the Snow Forts

The Time Portal that Gary said he would build is live at the Snow Forts.


Soon, we will take this portal to head to the future and stop the Ultimate Protobot 10,000 from destroying the island as we know it (or will know it) with meteors. Can we do it? I have faith, agents!

Ninja on!

The Spoiler Alert – Into the Future

A new episode of The Spoiler Alert is now here for this week. As always, if you do not want to be spoiled do not watch the video! This week, Megg and Ninja (not Polo, who was absent for this episode), and a special guest leak the new updates for this week. You can check it out below.

Ninja on!

Club Penguin Kelowna Team Named Disney’s VoluntEAR of the Year

Disney Interactive has released a statement on their Tumblr page, naming Club Penguin’s beautiful headquarters and awesome team in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada the VoluntEAR of the Year, a special award given for helping out in the community. Congrats, Club Penguin! This is big. Check it out:


Congratulations to our Kelowna Studio, the headquarters for Club Penguin, who was recognized as Disney’s 2013 VoluntEAR Team of the Year for the North American region! Volunteerism is a central and enduring part of Disney’s legacy and culture and our employees around the world give their time and expertise to brighten the lives of kids and families in need, and help strengthen communities around the world. Since the program’s founding in 1983, Disney VoluntEARS in more than 40 countries have given over 8 million hours of volunteer service, including comforting kids during their hospital stays, participating in beach clean ups, and building community playgrounds.
The Kelowna team’s 210 volunteers completed more than 1200 hours of service in 2013. Working on projects of various scope and scale, the group contributed to global initiatives like Change Heroes’ “Build a School Campaign” where they raised $53,475 in 6 weeks to build schools in Ghana, Haiti, India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone and Ecuador as well as local projects which included work at community food banks, women’s shelters, boys and girls clubs and more. In honor of their work, Disney VoluntEARs is making a donation to one of their favorite local organizations, the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club.
By coming together to complete these VoluntEAR efforts, the studio not only helped those in need but also strengthened their bond as a team. Congratulations to all!

Ninja on!

Picnic Bundle Pin Cheat

There is a new pin hidden today on the island of Club Penguin! This is the Picnic Bundle Pin, and it is hidden at the Lighthouse. As a result, the Neon O’Berry Pin is no longer hidden at the Lodge Attic. Don’t miss the chance to get it!


Ninja on!

Club Penguin Times Issue #447 – “Save the Future!”

A brand new issue of the Club Penguin Times has arrived on the island! This is their 447th numbered issue. This issue focuses on the upcoming Future Party, which starts next week.

The first article has Gary talking about the threats in the future, mostly Protobot wanting to sink the island with meteors. But hey, we can handle it, right guys?


Jet Pack Guy loves these new Robo suits… but he still prefers his good ol’, trusty jetpack.


A comic centered on the Red Nose Day event from last March… cool!


The Upcoming Events has been replaced with Island Rumors for the issue. What do you think of these puffle bands?


Ninja on!

App Snow Forts Updated with Snowball Fight Activity

Club Penguin has continuously been making improvements to its mobile app, released on iPad nearly a year ago and iPhone and iPod Touch a few weeks back. With the Snow Forts being updated online to prepare for the Future Party, the team used this chance to design a cool new feature on the app for this particular room.

When you enter, stand in one of the two colored circles (either red or blue) to pick a team. Then, throw snowballs at the opposite fort to knock it down and make the flag fall! One is victorious once the opposite team’s flag is all the way on the ground.


I really like this update! Do you? I hope this makes its way to the online version of the game soon.

Ninja on!

Help Pick the Day The Spoiler Alert Should be Released On Weekly

Club Penguin has been experimenting, and they are considering changing the day they release new Spoiler Alert episodes in a week. We can help them! Check out Polo Field’s tweet, and vote in the Google Docs link.

I much prefer Mondays, as Mondays are usually the most boring for me. What do you think? Leave a comment and let me know.

Ninja on!

Club Penguin’s 200th Video – Puffles Around the World

Club Penguin has released a new video on their YouTube channel! This one is called Puffles Around the World, and it shows Club Penguin staff members from across the globe dancing with their puffle pets. You might also be happy to hear that this is the 200th video that the team has uploaded. Congrats to them! You can check it out below.

Here was Club Penguin’s 100th video, released earlier last year.

Ninja on!